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5 Tips to stay healthy this winter

We all associate winter with cold and flu season and these days, we also understand there are increased risks of catching COVID-19 as well. In families, it only takes one person to bring home a cold or flu and everyone seems to come down with it. So what can you do to stay healthy during winter? Here are our 5 tips.

1. Keep surfaces clean
Regularly cleaning kitchen benchtops, placemats and door handles with warm water and detergent will help to prevent the spread of germs to other members of the family. If you have children, don’t forget their toys. The Western Australian Department of Health recommends you avoid using antibacterial cleaners and disinfectants as this can create germ resistance.


2. Vitamin C is your friend

Eating foods that are high in Vitamin C is beneficial to your overall health, your immune system and can help your body’s ability to absorb iron and copper. Leafy green vegetables (e.g. broccoli, Brussel sprouts, capsicum, cauliflower) and citrus fruits (such as oranges, kiwi fruit, strawberries, pineapple) are great sources of natural Vitamin C.


3. Wash your hands

We heard so much about the importance of washing or sanitising our hands during the peak of the pandemic and it continues to be an important message. Keeping our hands clean is one of the simplest ways we can prevent the spread of colds, flu and other nasties.


4. Beware of burns

When it’s cold, it’s tempting to snuggle up to a hot water bottle or heat pack but be careful. Every year, hospital emergency departments are filled with people suffering sever burns because of hot water bottles leaking or bursting and overheated heat packs.


5. Crowded places and masks

Lots of people are tired of wearing face masks but they are still a highly effective way to keep yourself healthy in crowded and enclosed spaces. It’s the invisible respiratory droplets in the air that are the culprits. They can linger long after a person has simply spoken, coughed or sneezed and then wandered off. When you are shopping, using public transport, visiting a cinema and similar high-traffic environments, pop on a mask to keep yourself safe and healthy.


Sometimes it’s hard to know when a loved one is unwell

For some people living with disability, catching a cold, flu or COVID-19 can be particularly serious and at the same time, difficult to diagnose. Of course there are the usual symptoms like a bad cough, runny nose, sore throat or headache. But sometimes, it’s changes in behaviour that could be your first indication that they are unwell.

Trust your instincts if you think there is something wrong, contact your local GP or medical centre or get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns.

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