Our Team
The Healthcare Request agency team are here to help NDIS and Community Care businesses by providing support service staff to enable you to fulfill your client needs.
We like to think of this as “helping you help others”

Introducing our team
With a proven track record in the NDIS sector for quality staff and rigorous recruitment methodologies and credentialling processes, Healthcare Request ensures the highest quality and experienced staff are provided to your organisation to support your clients.
Our team leaders
Our team leaders are available to discuss your organisations needs and help with solutions that offer service flexibility and cost efficiencies.
Kalati is highly qualified, completing tertiary courses for business, theology and community services specialising in disability and mental health. As a result, he manages all of the compliance, governance and operational matters for Healthcare Request.
In particular, Kalati has extensive experience designing and implementing rehabilitation and accommodation programs for people living with disability or experiencing mental health issues who find themselves within the criminal justice system.
Career Highlights
In the early 2000s, Kalati was tasked with the implementation and review of a pilot program for the NSW State government. The 2-year program provided support to people with a disability who had significant contact and involvement with the Criminal Justice System, including incarceration.
Two organisations were given funding but only Kalati’s program was able to successfully achieve the program’s key goals. Not only that, the program Kalati developed was given additional funding to expand their services beyond the original 2 year pilot.
Kalati was also involved in the delivery and management of a Federal government pilot project to develop partnerships between community housing and disability providers. The aim of the project was to create a hybrid and inclusive accommodation model providing supported and independent living services for people living with and without disability.
The program was a huge success due to Kalati’s ability to liaise with the building manager and other key stakeholders.
This project exceeded expectations by achieving longer than average tenancies for the accommodation site and personal independent living goals for each participant.
“Positively impacting the lives of others is our greatest reward”
In 2014, Kalati identified gaps in the way the criminal justice sector managed and rehabilitated people living with disability or experiencing mental health issues. This was particularly so for First Nations and Pacific communities. He also wanted to provide opportunities for community support and healthcare workers who share his passion about caring for others.
That’s how Healthcare Request began. We quickly built a solid reputation with government service departments and NGOs asking us to help them provide important community services.
Clinical Nurse Manager
It’s Louisa’s caring and compassionate nature that introduced her to a career in the community health and nursing field.
As part of earning her Duke of Edinburgh Award, Louisa began volunteering in a disability care facility. She loved it. When it was time to begin her career, she became a Disability Support Worker and an Assistant in Nursing.
Louisa’s passion for nursing continued to blossom so she furthered her studies by completing a Bachelor in Health Science Nursing and later a master’s degree.
Between 2005 – 2020, Louisa nursed in:
- One of the busiest Emergency Departments in Australia
- A large Intensive Care Department
- Haematology providing patients and their families with compassion and respect during their end-of-life journey
- Community health as a Clinical Nurse Consultant
A life of service to others
Louisa also continued her strong commitment to volunteering, using her skills to serve others in need. She has volunteered to be deployed overseas to provide nursing and medical care to victims of natural disasters, orphanages and worked with a variety of NGOs. In Sydney, Louisa volunteers her time to provide meals for the homeless and food hampers to people in need.
Responsibilities within Healthcare Request
As the Clinical Nurse Manager of Healthcare Request, Louisa’s training and extensive nursing experience:
- Offers significant expertise to enhance our staff’s skillsets
- Adds valuable medical advice to our day-to-day operations
- Provides a strong clinical overview to enhance service delivery to our clients
In addition, Louisa’s strong faith and compassion underpins Healthcare Request’s holistic approach to caring for others and sets a high standard of care for all of our agency staff to follow.

Our booking team
Our booking team are available around the clock so you can be sure that we are there to help when you need us.
Just call us on 1800 427 911
Our front-line team
We have a front-line team of disability carers, nursing staff (RNs, ENs and EENs), community justice workers, foster care staff, community, and aged care staff. Our team have diverse cultural backgrounds and are highly experienced, and our processes and systems ensure we provide the right staff to fit your business’s and your client’s needs.
Support worker verification
All Healthcare Request support staff undergo comprehensive checks before being approved to provide support. This includes:

Verification checks
- Validation of identity
- Police checks
- Working with children check
- First aid certificate
- Drivers licence
- NDIS Worker Screening Check
Ongoing verifications
Healthcare Request ensures police checks and all relevant state-based checks and the right to work remain valid and up to date.Committed to improving ongoing education
Healthcare Request is committed to the ongoing education and training of our support team. This ensures their continued growth and development and that they remain stimulated, fulfilled, and satisfied in their role.