Community Justice Staff
The Healthcare Request agency Community Justice support team are highly experienced and have specialist expertise in providing transitional care for people returning back into the community from the criminal justice system.

Who are we?
Healthcare Request is a well-respected specialist healthcare services and staffing company. We are proud to have earned a reputation as a leading provider for Community Justice support workers in NSW.
Comprehensive service support
Our staff have extensive knowledge and implement transition, as well as help put all necessary things into place including linkages to all relevant services including:
- Department of Housing
- Centrelink
- Allied Health and Mental Health

Responsive and resourced to meet your needs
Healthcare Request is available 24/7 365 days a year in case your existing system is unable to cope due to a staffing emergency. With over 65% of our workforce trained and qualified in Community Justice support, we have the resources to respond to your requests as need for:
- Co-ordination services
- Follow-up services
- On-going support
- Escort services
Support worker verification
All Healthcare Request support staff undergo comprehensive checks before being approved to provide Community Justice support. This includes:

Verification checks
- Validation of identity
- Police checks
- Working with children check
- First aid certificate
- Drivers licence
- NDIS Woker Screening Check
Ongoing verifications
Healthcare Request ensures police checks and all relevant state-based checks and the right to work remain valid and up to date.
Healthcare Request Community Justice support worker qualities
We ensure our Community Justice support workers are continually trained and have the following qualities:
- Conflict management skills
- Negotiation skills
- Effective communication skills
- Patience
- Help people to feel comfortable and build their confidence

We can tailor a solution that will meet yours, and your clients needs.
Please call us on 1800 427 911